Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Camber Sands to Rye

No photos! And we found the Sea Buckthorn and I took some lovely (I think) shots. But I've just spent some time downloading about 100 photos from Bath, Trowbridge, a walk along the Kennet and Avon Canal, some stunning photos of reflection on the sand of the lights at twilight on Pelham Beach, and today's walk - I then deleted them from the camera - and the folder is empty! Must have clicked Cancel instead of Finish, but there is no way back.

When we got there the sand was blasting off the beach, proving my point about how well Hastings has been designed! No sand (apart from the beach netball court!) blowing in your face, even when we have huge expanses of sand at low tide, it is damp and doesn't blow around.

There was some filming going on, with a lovely horse, and lots of figures in black.. We then walked to Rye along the cycle path, lovely countryside on one side, and on the other, mostly the road. We had a somewhat windy lunch en route, so it all turned into quite a good day.

Linda arranged everything very well, good weather, apart from the wind, the front seats upstairs on the bus, both there and back, and all in all, a most enjoyable day.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

29th November - Camber Sands

Weather may be wild and woolly, but we will risk it. Quite like a raging sea myself.
The 100 bus leaves Hastings Station 10.15. The intrepid Linda will lead us onward, where we will recce and decide if we wish to walk on to Rye, and take the bus back from there, or enjoy ourselves exploring the area and searching for sea buckthorn.
Return will be on the 14.18 or 15.18 100 bus, either from Pontins or from Rye, or maybe even Lydd (in which case the bus return times will be earlier! - Group decision!