Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hastings Herring Fair - Be there!

Hastings Herring Fair takes place next month at The Stade, and will include a wealth of information, demonstrations, and most importantly, plenty of opportunities for tasting.
The event runs from November 23rd to 25th November, and as well as providing entertainment, the aim is to promote herring and the Hastings fishing fleet to the general public and professional chefs alike.
The largest beach-launched fishing fleet in Europe, the Hastings fleet has Marine Stewardship Council accreditation for the methods it uses to catch herring, along with mackerel and Dover sole.

And the next Strollers' date is Tuesday 27th November, more anon.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Intrepid Hastings Strollers Walk

Through the mists and not much mellow frutifulness, we sough out the items in our hidden agenda walk.  I've just had a look at the October 2011 walk - we went to North's Seat and the weather was bright and hot.  In 2010 23 did an East Hill ramble, and again enjoyed warm. bright weather.  But today was autumnal, and quite pleasant.

Old St Helen's Church

Secret Pond

 St Helens Woods

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tuesday's (Hidden Agenda) Walk

Well, it's nearer the time, but no clearer on the weather.  We are aiming to catch the bus that goes just before eleven from Bus Stop M in Queen's Road.  Regardless of the weather, I will be at the bus stop around 10.45.  We will be alighting from the bus at the stop more or less opposite the main cemetery gate, if anyone wishes to join the walk from there.

Whatever the weather, please wear strong footwear, and sticks may be useful!!  Also bring lunch, and the wherewithal for a stopover at Cafe@the Park if you wish to.

Friday, October 05, 2012

October 23rd Walk - St Helen's Woods -weather permitting!

Once again, we will catch a bus to The Ridge but I can't predict the walk, as if it has been very wet beforehand, it may have to be changed.  And if it is another tumultous day, weatherwise, it may have to be abandoned!   So keep tuned for more information nearer to the time.

The Tenterden Walk will be rescheduled when Ellen Terry's home is open again in the Spring.

In November, all being well, the walk will be to Combe Valley Reserve - before it is ruined!