Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Update for Etchingham

Sorry for the slight confusion about the date; it is, as ever, the Tuesday (26th November) We will catch the 9.50 train from Hastings Station, and most likely, return on the 2.50PM.
If you arrive a bit early, Network Card concessions can be arranged amongst those eligible.
Remember – this is the ‘Christmas’ event and we plan to Eat at Bistro@thestation, but please feel free to bring a packed lunch if you prefer, we wont’ ostracize you.
I have had an email from the Bistro saying they look forward to seeing us.

26th November - last Stroll of the year get together at.........


This will be a train journey, times later.

It is envisioned that we will stroll around the village, starting with the church, and then where the mood takes us.

About one o'clock we will return to the station to eat at  http://www.bistroatthestation.co.uk/