Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday 25th February

Despite extensive research I have failed to identify the other bus that passes near the Cemetery (neither Stagecoach online nor Tourist Information were much help) so I’m afraid it has to be the No.28, leaving from the station about five minutes before the hour, and from Queen’s Rd stop W (just down from Peacock’s) on the hour – if it is on time!

So we will aim for the 10.55 bus from the station – upstairs. If any Old Towners are running late, remember there is a bus stop in Castle Hill Road!

At the moment the forecast for the 25th says ‘partly cloudy’.

If you want to do a bit of research before hand - http://www.friendsofhastingscemetery.org.uk/

Bring lunch with you.

Friday, February 07, 2014

February Walk – head’s up

Tuesday 25th February - We have wracked our brains for somewhere that will be dry underfoot, so if the weather is fine, we propose a Cemetery Walk.  If the weather is dire, it won’t happen.

More details as to times, buses etc. later.

  • March Walk – both Jill and I are away, so maybe someone else would like to suggest and lead a walk.