Monday, December 29, 2014

Ecclesbourne Glen footpath reopens

Vegetation has been cleared all along the coastal path from the East Hill down to the stream, the steps have been replaced and new fencing has been installed at the boundaries.

People can now resume walking along the coastal path from the East Hill to the rest of the country park.


15 Robertson Street

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Rye & back via Westfield and the Lights

Our last stroll (and it really was!) of the year, but perhaps not the last ever, as a volunteer has stepped forward to organise further walks – watch this space!

We had visitors with us from Adelaide, Daniel and Kim and we owe The Ship Inn, in Rye  many thanks for making us welcome with Poppy, and giving helpful cheerful service throughout as we moved tables and generally took over.


Lunch took rather longer than envisaged and Daniel & Kim had to get back to the station to catch a train to (eventually) London.

Owing to a lack of cameras Misayo was official photographer for the day.  We had time for a look at the church and the outside of Ypres Tower, and around the square and then it was time to catch the bus back via Westfield, to see the Christmas lights.  Misayoo handed over the camera for the photo taking here, so mea culpa.

Thanks too, to the driver of the 342 who, passing through Westfield,  turned off the interior lights, and drove slowly.

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